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Last Updated June 22, 2006

Please send in your Reunion Photos!

A request from Steve N. Stevens:    If anyone  would like their pictures from the 2006 D.C. Reunion to appear in the photo albums and CD's being prepared for display at the next reunion and donated to UTD and Texas Tech, please send them to Steve N. Stevens.  It would really help if they were edited to include a caption with names and, if possible, put on a CD.  When finalized, a "Master CD"  will be available.

"Last Flights: Air America and the Collapse of South Vietnam"

A Public Lecture by Dr. William Leary
August 13, 2005
McDermott Library Auditorium

Vietnam Center at Texas Tech University and
CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence
Co-hosting October 2006 Conference

The Vietnam Center at Texas Tech University and the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence are co-hosting a conference on Intelligence in the Vietnam War.  This conference will take place in Lubbock, Texas on October 20-21, 2006, and will examine intelligence activities, operations, and analysis during the Vietnam War throughout the entire theater to include Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia.  One purpose of this conference will be to learn appropriate lessons that may be applicable to contemporary operations in the War on Terror. To submit a paper or panel proposal, please visit the Intelligence Conference Call for Papers web page.  To learn more about this conference, please visit the Intelligence Conference web site

Special Documentary Project by Roger Warner

Here's a tidbit: a micro-documentary, about six minutes long, about a return to Long Tieng. The valley, closed to Westerners for thirty years after the commies took over, is just beginning to open up. Bill and I tried to get into 20A together, and explored a number of leads. But for those particular connections to ease our way in, Bill would have had to stay in SEA much longer than he had planned, and he had important family commitments to fulfill back in Texas. The information Bill and I gathered, however, was enough to justify a second expedition after Bill left.

This time my traveling companion was Mac Thompson, ex-USAID/Laos, ex- skydiver, and an aficionado of homebrew beer. Mac and I figured our chances at about 50-50.  Thanks to good luck and Mac's phenomenal ability to bullshit in fluent Lao, we got into Long Tieng for a very brief visit, all that was permitted. But we ended up drinking beer with the base commander, and we believe we have done our bit for making travel there a bit easier for other people in the future.

The short and funky film can be seen on my project website, (Apologies for the domain name, but it was available, and it's easy to remember.)  Go to the main website page, and you should see a link at the bottom of the screen for bonus footage on Long Cheng. Click on it, and be patient, because even with a fast modem connection it can take a couple of minutes to load.

If your computer has any problems, other than loading speed, you should know that the movie is in Flash software, which comes already installed on most computers. If your computer doesn't have Flash installed, you may need to download the latest (free) version as a plug-in for your web browser.


Roger Warner

Employment Opportunities

Aviation Services Germany
[email protected]
(Please note - this is a Russian company)

Aviation Services needs crew (Captain + First officer) for aircraft AN-12 for Kinshasa operation:
-Company-employer (civil or military) Civil
-Safety guarantee 100% guaranteed as base is Kinshasa, main city of Democratic Republic on Congo
-Who will sign the Contract and will be safety-guarantor of the pilot:  Local Commercial company in Kinshasa
-Salary per month + per diem
-Conditions of accommodation:  Accommodations will be offered to pilots
-Insurance:  Insurance to be done in the original country but will be paid on top of salary.
-Base of aircraft positioning: Kinshasa
-Area of operation: DRC
-Nature of cargo to be transported:  Commercial freight
-Nationality of other crew members:  Congolese
One Year contract renewable.

We are also interested in purchasing AN-12 aircraft in good condition only/  Please send photos and specifications.


Durango Group Associates
Description: Program Manager for SW Asia War Reserve Materials

Gentleman, The Durango Group has been offered an opportunity to locate a qualified individual for a position as the Program Manager for the task as described below. Please consider your network of professionals and contact us if you know of a possible fit and require more information. I appreciate your time and consideration. This is one that we would really like to fill.

Thank you.

Jerry Dickenson

[email protected]

Request from Margaret Leary

After the memorial service, many people - especially Bill's children - have said to me that they learned a lot about him after he was gone and regretted not knowing more about other sides of his life.

Bill's birthday is in May.

Do you have a story or a memory of him which you could send along to me? I'd like to compile something to give to his children, as a reverse birthday present . I'm sure it will tell me something new, as well.

Any replies may be sent to me:  [email protected]

Thank you!

Update from Wayne Knight

We survived a Cat 5 yesterday. A lot of damage to vegetation but very little to structures and no lives lost. We have lived through several up to Cat 3 before, but Cat 5 is something else. We were lucky that it's centre was about 100 km south of us. Innisfail got winds of up to 300 kms/hour while our best was a little less than 200 kms/hour. Our power has just come on (18 hours off) and all services are restored.... but, will be many days of cleanup around Cairns and countryside. Bananas and sugar cane are disasters, I have a lot of e-mails to answer.... more later.  Thanks for the thoughts.

Air Commando Association

2006 Reunion

5-8 October 2006
Fort Walton Beach, FL

The Air Commando Association Annual Reunion will be held in Fort Walton Beach, FL 5-8 October 2006. Tel 850-581-0099, fax 850-581-8988, e-mail [email protected] or web page for more details.

Eugene D. Rossel
ACA Public Relations Officer
6083 Rosa Ct
Chino, CA 91710
Tel 909-930-5700 work
Tel/Fax 909-591-7342 home
e-mail [email protected]


Background on the Air Commando Association:  The Air Commando Association (ACA) is an organization formed during the Vietnam War by Air Force personnel who served in Jungle Jim, 4400 CCTS, Air Commando Units from all wars, Special Operations units, Special Air Warfare Center, Combat Application Groups, Project 404, Raven FACS, Combat Control Team, and all members who served with units equipped with the following aircraft performing special operations missions: A-1, A-26, A-37, U-10, T-28, C-47, C-7, C-130, C-123, C-119, O-1, O-2, OV-10, L-1 UC-64, L-5, B-25, P-51, C-46, Waco Gliders, all gun ships etc. The purpose of the ACA was to keep alive the Air Commando spirit, to rekindle comradeship of wartime relationship, to honor the dead and the living that participated in our wartime effort and to promote the utilization of low-key peacekeeping activities of special operations. As the ACA matured it also contributed to nation building and healing by providing medical supplies and personnel in countries which we had served in, promoted the children of our members, both deceased and living, by offering scholarship, offered our experience to the US Air Force, contributed to the history of our units and made the world aware of our sacrifices for our country by our members. There were over 300,000 personnel who served in these units from 1961-1980. The ACA has over 3000 active members. It has a history of over 63 years with the first Air Commando unit established in 1943 and commanded by Col Phil Cochran immortalized by Milton Coif in his comic strip Terry & the Pirates as Steve Canyon from 1944-1988.


The 2006 Bangkok reunion will be held Thursday 21 September to Sunday 24 September 2006 at a the Twin Towers Hotel. Hosting the reunion will be AESEA (The Association of Expatriates in SoutheastAsia), which is composed largely of former Thai employees of Air America, CASI, USAID, Embassy,USIS, IVS, U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy, SKY, SKY FAG, Thai SGU, etc. There are also American members of the local group, of which Phil Dreith, Les Strouse, and Mac Thompson will be assisting the Thai side with the reunion organization.

This will be, as was the 2002 Return to Southeast Asia reunion, an "everybody is invited" affair and we hope to get a good turnout from all who served in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. It's on!! Web address:

Hotel and reunion registration forms will be posted at the website, check it now and then for further updates.

Even at this early date, we'd appreciate an alert as to who and how many might be attending. Please send an email to: [email protected]  with a note that you're: "coming for sure"; "thinking about it but not yet sure"; "can't make it." FYI, you can change your mind at any time....

Hope to see you here!!!

Submitted by Mac Thompson

Finding Aid Available for Dr. Charles Weldon Collection at UTD

Special Log Submitted to Congress for Civil Service Status


The 2006 Bangkok reunion will be held Thursday 21 September to Sunday 24 September 2006, location to be confirmed later, but probably the Ambassador Hotel on Soi 11 Sukumvit Road. Hosting the reunion will be AESEA (The Association of Expatriates in Southeast Asia), which is composed largely of former Thai employees of Air America, CASI, USAID, Embassy, USIS, IVS, U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy, SKY, SKY FAG, Thai SGU, etc. There are also American members of the local group, of which Phil Dreith, Les Strouse, and Mac Thompson will be assisting the Thai side with the reunion organization. This will be, as was the 2002 Return to Southeast Asia reunion, an "everybody is invited" affair and we hope to get a good turnout from all who served in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. It's on!! More info will follow. Lots of details to be worked out. Web address:

Civil Service Update

Air America Association By-Laws Posted to Website

Lao, Hmong and American Veteran's Memorial

On July 28th. the Lao, Hmong and American Veteran's Memorial committee met and we set the ground breaking, (start of construction), for September 24, 2005. The Memorial will tell the story of the Hmong, other hill tribes and the American military and civilians, who fought and died in the "secret war" in Laos. The other half of the 24, engraved, granite panels will list the names of those who served (and who have donated $100 to have the name engraved).

The names of the 116 USA Special Forces and 70 Air America KIA in Laos, will be included (paid for by DVD sales). I look forward to getting the names of CASI, KIAs so that they can also be included. We have raised over $92,000 with the proceeds of the "Secret War" DVD, contributing $15,000+ to the total to date. Last weekend, I sold $1800 worth of DVDs at the annual Hmong Veterans Recognition Day, in Milwaukee. It was also great to see Bill Lair and BG Heinie Aderholt, in good health and still actively supporting the Hmong.

The total cost of the Memorial will be $130,000 and we expect to raise the remainder over the winter, while the concrete footing and base cures (phase 1). Phase 2 (next spring), involves laying the pavers, landscaping and fixing the engraved 3'x4'x1" granite panels to the concrete base.

I would appreciate it if you would get the word out to all who may be interested in supporting the Memorial. For those who would like to learn more about the Memorial, buy the DVD for $23.00, or contribute please see my web site at:

You can send checks to:

Secret War Memorial
8575 Northeim Lane
Newton, WI 53063

Thank you,

Steve Schofield
Major, SF, USAR (Ret)
USAID Laos 1969-1975

Two More Congressional Supporters for HR 1276 - Civil Service Bill

There are two new co-sponsors to HR 1276 as of July 19, 2005 -- Rep Jo Ann Davis of Virginia and and Rep Madeleine Bordallo, delegate from Guam.

Special Events hosted by the Thai Flying Club

OSHDOK FLY-IN 2005 at DOKKRAI (6-7 Aug 2005) - Free Swimming, Camping, Parking for 20 Ultralights

OSHTAK FLY-IN up in TAK (3,4,5 Dec 2005) with King's Cup Paramotor Trophy - Email Khun Niwat

Pattaya Sun & Fun Fly-in 2005 (10-12 Dec 2005) - Admission FREE!

Submitted Mac Thompson 7/19/2005

2006 Bangkok Reunion Update

The 2006 Bangkok reunion will be held Thursday 21 September to Sunday 24 September 2006, location to be confirmed later, but probably the Ambassador Hotel on Soi 11 Sukumvit Road.

Hosting the reunion will be AESEA (The Association of Expatriates in Southeast Asia), which is composed largely of former Thai employees of Air America, CASI, USAID, Embassy, USIS, IVS, U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy, SKY, SKY FAG, Thai SGU, etc. There are also American members of the local group, of which Phil Dreith, Les Strouse, and I will be assisting the Thai side with the reunion organization.

This will be, as was the 2002 Return to Southeast Asia reunion, an "everybody is invited" affair and we hope to get a good turnout from all who served in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

It's on!!  More info will follow, web site, etc. Lots of details to be worked out.


"Last Flights:  Air America and the Collapse of South Vietnam"

A Public Lecture by Dr. William Leary

August 13, 2005 (4 p.m.)
McDermott Library Auditorium

Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Brotherhood Reunion

TLCB is holding their reunion July 8-10, 2005, in Washington, DC.  Go here for more information:

Submitted by Mac Thompson 6/15/2005

Laos’ Desperate Hmong Fighters:
The Final Chapter?
Thursday, 9 June, 2005, at 8:00 p.m.
This past weekend, around 170 ethnic Hmong women, children and old men – the last remnants of the CIA’s secret Vietnam-war army in Laos -- gave themselves up to Lao authorities, starting what could be the final chapter in the war’s saddest unfinished episodes. For decades, ethnic Hmong fighters and their families –– have waged a low-level struggle against Lao’s Communist government, egged on by Lao refugees now living in the US. But these Hmong fighters and their families lived in appalling conditions, on the run from the Lao army, and foraging for food in the jungle, and their plight was recently recognized as a humanitarian crisis. In the weeks ahead, more Hmong are expected to try to follow the path tread this weekend; and give themselves up as part of an informal arrangement to end decades of futile conflict.

Ed and Georgie Szendrey, a California-based couple who have been instrumental in publicizing the plight of the Hmong, witnessed the surrender this weekend, and subsequently spent two nights in Lao government custody before being deported this weekend. The Szendreys will address the club about what they witnessed, the behind-the-scenes efforts to organize this extra-ordinary sequence of events, lobbying and the US government role, and their assessment of first phase of the operation. They will also talk about the prospects for a final end to this tragic conflict, and what they expect to see going forward. They will be joined on the panel by French journalist Cyril Payen, who traveled to Laos in February to make a documentary about the Hmong guerillas.

The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand (FCCT)
Penthouse, Maneeya Center Building
518/5 Ploenchit Road
Patumwan, Bangkok 10330
Tel: 02-652-0580-1
Fax: 02-652-0582




19-25 OCTOBER 2005

This reunion is OPEN TO ALL former US and ALLIED MILITARY and CIVILIAN AGENCY participants of the war in Southeast Asia, commonly called the Vietnam War!

Everyone is welcome and PLEASE check the web site.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Submitted by

Jim Traywick
#18 Soi 11 Sukhumvit Rd
Apt 1A, Ambassador Palace
Bangkok, 10110 Thailand



CASI Reunion

October 2005


To all former Continental Air Services employees, friends and family:

                                                                                                                                                 We will have our next Continental Air Service reunion on October 23 & 24 of 2005 at the Flamingo hotel in Las Vegas, the rates will be $59 + tax per night. There will be a small charge per person for refreshments and the suite where we will be holding our reunion. We will collect it at the door.


I will have to send the hotel a rooming list no later than September 9. This is what I will need from those that will attend.


Full Name
Arrival Date

Departure Date

Special Requests


You will be able to make your own reservation after I send them the rooming list.


Note:  Any individual cancellation received by the hotel within (48) hours of arrival will be charged the first nights rate and tax. Reservations received after the cutoff date will only be honored on a space available basis.


We have fifty rooms booked.


Pat Barnett and Bob Minderhoud   [email protected]


An Update From Jim Traywick
[email protected]
Subject: Reunion Newsletter 30 Jan 2005; Tsunami & Work
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 11:27:31 +0700


TSUNAMI - Well, there s no doubt that everyone has heard as much about the Tsunami as they care to; I know I have. It was a sad event but one of God s mysterious ways we have no insight to and don t need to know about. And to those who have a problem with the name of God, then it was nature s mysterious ways we have no insight to or ability to predict.

REUNION - All that aside I owe you all an update newsletter to the REUNION planning and while this is going to be short I hope it will be insightful. My apologies to those who get two copies of this as members of the BKKReunion group and my mailing list.

WORK - I have been working in Korat for the last 15 days or so with Cope Tiger 2005, an annual Joint Chiefs of Staff, Multilateral, Joint Combined Exercise with the air forces of the USAF, USN (a first, from the USS Lincoln), the RTAF (Royal Thai Air Force) and RSAF (Republic of Singapore Air Force). We have well over 90 aircraft dedicated to the exercise from the three countries. All types of fighters to include the F-15A/B, F-15C/D, F/A-18, EA-6B, F-16, F-5, and such aircraft as the E-3C, E-2C, KC-135, C-130 and more from the other nations. Not to mention some 650 US Forces personnel to work with. So, I have been just a little busy.

I drove back from Korat on Friday evening because I had a group coming down on Saturday morning to have a weekend in Bangkok. I made arrangements for them at the Ambassador Hotel, the same one we ll use for the REUNION and I did that simply to get a really good feel for the way the hotel works first hand. It was very good overall. I was very pleased with them.

They were very diligent in staying in touch during the week and checking the numbers to make sure they had enough rooms and then they went way beyond. On Saturday morning my wife and I walked over to the Ambassador since our apartment is almost next door and met with the sales staff and senior management who were there making sure all was ready for our group. They had a special check in arrangement set up that clearly expedited getting 123 people in their rooms in just a few minutes. The staff helped to get people to their rooms and gave folks the general run down on the hotel layout and services they offer. I was very pleased with their actions and efforts to get the folks in quickly.

I also had an opportunity to just sit and chat with the senior staff on the REUNION, and that was very rewarding as well. The one thing that they really liked was the idea of the Thai Food Cooking Classes with special fried rice sessions included. I m sure a lot of the wives and the guys, too, will be interested in attending. We ll try to arrange it at a time conducive to maximum attendance. But, they want to do a few things more than fried rice so we’ll see what pops out!

These folks are looking forward to this event and not just from the profit or business aspect. Seems as though most of them worked at hotels back during the Vietnam War and made friends with many Americans during that time and they are hoping that some of them will return. They worked in places like the WINDSOR HOTEL, CHAOPHAYA HOTEL and others where US Forces personnel were housed. The Ambassador itself is 40 years old but it hasn’t always been called the AMBASSADOR HOTEL. According to them it was the CHAOVOLIT HOTEL, and my spelling is probably wrong. Anyone recall that hotel name?

NOSTALGIA - This brings up a point that we are all somewhat nostalgic and that is a large part of what this REUNION is all about. Some weeks ago Larry Mitchell, a member of the newsletter and BKK group, sent me a question on the PRESIDENT HOTEL on Gaysorn Road. He has a brochure from that hotel after all these years. I was wondering how many others out there are holding such nostalgic items they might be willing to share with the group? I would like to have a copy of that scanned and sent to me so that I might hang that on the group site or perhaps on the new website when I get it back running. Anyone out there who has something like that, PLEASE SHARE! In fact I d like to propose that folks bring that kind of material along and allow others to look at it first hand. We can put it in a binder or protective cover to keep it from being soiled by the many hands that will no doubt be holding them. Maybe we can have a nostalgia auction where someone who has things in multiple copies might be willing to put the item up for auction.

WEBSITE - Status of the website is directly related to the time I have to work it. Lately that s been very little. But I will be doing that soon. In the meantime by all means spread the word to anyone and everyone you know to go to my website for preliminary info. Contact info is there as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you all and your friends and vets in general.

Best Regards,

Jim Traywick
 #18 Soi 11 Sukhumvit Rd Apt 1A
Ambassador Palace Bangkok, 10110 Thailand

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