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Home Page : News: Civil Service Status   

Last Updated August 18, 2005

Air America Civil Service Credit Update Page

Senate Bill 651

House Resolution 1276

Vegas Review-Journal Article


Senator Stevens of Alaska Supports AAM Civil Service Bill

Senator Stevens has now signed on as a cosponsor of the AAM bill in the Senate, S.651. This is good news because he is a senior member of the full committee, and of the particular subcommittee, which has the bill for review. Senator Stevens is President pro tempore of the Senate, and presides over the Senate when Vice President Cheney is not present. It is also helpful that he is a Republican and our two sponsors are very senior members of both parties.

NEW - Here is a message he recently sent to Jim Keck on July 22, 2005:

Dear Jim:

Thank you for contacting me in regard to civil service retirement for members of Air America.

As you know legislation has been introduced concerning this issue. S.651 would amend title 5, Untied States Code, to make creditable for civil service retirement purposes certain periods of service performed with Air America, among other entities, while those entities were owned or controlled by the Government of the United States and operate or managed by the Central Intelligence Agency. I am a co-sponsor of S.651. Currently this legislation is pending before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

I will work with my colleagues on this Committee in order to advance this bill during the 109th Congress.

With best wishes,


Ted Stevens

Submitted by Jesse Walton 6/22/2005 and 8/15/2005



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