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Home Page : Image Library : Image Gallery 6

Last Updated on January 14, 2005

Image Gallery 6

Photograph By Joe Hrezo

Mike Campbell sent this information along about the above photo. This is a photo of a 204-B, N1304X at the recovery site for bodies from Kelley's C-47 #949 crash. According to my log book the crew of 04X was Capt. James, Capt Heinl and myself as Flight Mech. My log shows that we worked the Hue site for 7 hrs and 31 mins on 1/20/69. A different AAM crew worked the previous day. I did not note in my log who I/we relieved. Per my notes, Capt. Kelly was reported missing on 1/16/69.

Photographer Dave Routson

All of the Hueys we were able to bring back to Subic Bay After the Evacuation of Saigon.

Photographer Wayne Knight

Bell 205 just returning from a mission at Long Tieng.

Photographer Wayne Knight

Bell 205s at Long Tieng.


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