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Home Page : News: Sick Call

Last Update: January 31, 2003


Joe Kerch has been in the VA hospital for some time.  He went in for a spinal fusion and recovery has been slow.  He was put in ICU early January for bleeding from the esophagus.  He is now back in his room and can be reached at 203-932-5711 ext. 7555.  The best time to catch him in his room is around 9:00 AM and later about 5:00 PM, Eastern time.

Gene Morris has died.  Please visit the In Memoriam page for more information.

Yale Naliboff Update:  Yale has been doing quite well this past week.  Lung was clear so as we had the one nice day we have here in winter, we put him with oxygen on the scoot-mobile. It goes as fast as a bike does, and sent him on his way.  He was not really enthusiastic till he came back.  Now as he was supposed to go to the corner, he decided half way to go to town.  Our downtown is close and small but by God he did it. He came back (by this time they could have locked me up) and informed me that that was a really good time and he stopped for a loempia at the Vietnamese.  They have these stands here all over town.  So this is what we are trying to accomplish.  This man is just amazing.  Love to all.  DOL

Roger K. Cook died on January 20, 2003.  Please visit the In Memoriam page for more details.

Jim Zimmerman, OM SGN, suffered a heart attack during Thanksgiving.  Angioplasty was performed and two stents were inserted successfully.  Jim is at home and doing okay.  Submitted by Mike Seale

Yale Naliboff,   We have been home for two days (October 10, 2002). He has no pain and moves pretty good. He is happy to be home and I am even happier. He has to practice walking although eventually we will have the cadillac of electric scooters, to share. So we walked around the house today (all goes fine inside and for upstairs we have a chairlift).  We walked for about 5 minutes and he starts turning blue again, his nose, feet and hands. This was the original problem before he had the hole in the heart repaired. We do not see his lung specialist till the fourth. As long as he is on his 12 meter line in the house all goes OK the oxygen for outside works but still the slightest moves will turn him blue. But as I said we are so happy he is home, and he does not feel sick at all and sleeps well and eats all he can get. We have a fruit salad in the fridge, enough to feed a home, as our neighbors were so kind to bring kilo’s of fruit. It scares me to death to leave him alone. The man still thinks he can do a marathon and will when I do not watch. But the turning blue is dangerous of course. May be we will get used to this system at some point. Must be hell when your life is on a 12 meter thread but he is happy as a clam. All this writing is great therapy for me. Reported to the log by  Dolly Naliboff.

Carmen Sylvester, is recuperating from rotator cuff surgery performed the 26th of August, 2002.  He is back at home waiting for my Mom to get his prescription filled.  He sounded pretty drugged up this afternoon, but will probably be better in a couple of days.  If you would like to call and wish him well the phone number is 952-322-1805.  Submitted by Rex Sylvester.

Don Hoehn, had a kidney transplant operation the 7th of August 2002.  Jean, their first born, gave Don one of her kidneys .  The surgery was done in New York where Jean lives.  Both Don and Jean are recovering at her country home.  Don is 80 and a very fortunate father.  They have had wonderful family support and are planning to return to Florida by the end of September.  The phone where Don and Benna can be reached is 518-398-1014, and the City address is:  Don Hoehn c/o Jean Hoehn Zimmerman, 1088 Park Avenue #6-D, New York City, NY  10128.  Submitted by Jane Mullins and Peggy Hartl.

Chuck Taylor, has been diagnosed with bone cancer, and is undergoing chemotherapy. Cris asks that all of us include both Tank and Chuck in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Submitted by Cris Allen.


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