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     If any of the following articles kindles your memory or if you just have a story to share, please use the new online form to easily submit and add your story to the site.  Thank you!

12/10/2002  9:00 AM
The First C-123 Into LS-36 by Charlie Moseley

12/10/2002  9:00 AM
A Little Piece of String by Charlie Moseley

08/19/2002 12:00 PM
The CIA’s Airlines: Logistic Air Support of the War in Laos 1954 to 1975 by Martin Best 

05/25/2002  4:35 PM
Arranging to Fly a Funeral Group By Sanford Hunt

04/13/2002  10:30 AM
The Rest of the Story - By Billy Walker.

02/26/2002  1:30 PM
Night Train to Bangkok - By Allen Cates.

01/03/2002  9:00 PM
It Takes Five To Tango - By John Wiren.

01/03/2002  2:30 PM
Brian Sullivan's "Affair with CASI" - By Brian Sullivan.

01/03/2002  2:00 PM
April Fools Day-Kong Le Style - By Mike LaDue.

01/03/2002  1:30 PM
Lido Nights - By Mike LaDue.

1/03/2002  1:15 PM
Reluctant Rescue on the Ho Chi Minh Trail - By Roger Cook.

1/03/2002  1:00 PM
Air America - By Joe Hennessy.

Ravens of Long Tieng.  This article was originally published in Air & Space Smithsonian, October/November 1998.  (Raven Photos)

Other Articles about the Vietnam War that appeared in Air & Space Smithsonian.

In Arizona:  A Spymaster Remembered - By Evan Thomas.  This article on George Doole first appeared in Time Magazine, April 7, 1986.

Supporting the "Secret War:"  CIA Air Operations in Laos, 1955-1974 - By William M. Leary.  This article first appeared in the CIA Publication, Studies in Intelligence, Winter 1999-2000

4/15/2000  1:00 PM
RESCUE - By. Ben A. Van Etten

4/12/2000  2:00 PM
MEMORIES OF THE FALL OF SAIGON - APRIL 29, 1975 - Fred Walker's Diary - Allen Cates' Dedication - Thomas Grady's Letters Home & E. G. Adams Saigon Farewell

8/9/1999  1:00 PM
Air America and the H-19A - Abadie

8/9/1999  1:00 PM
Air America Rescue - McGrath

8/9/1999  1:00 PM
An Old China Hand's Airplane & His Book - Smith

8/9/1999  1:00 PM
Flight Mechanic - Cates

8/9/1999  1:00 PM
The Blue Goose and the Steel Tiger - Bonansinga

12/8/1999  4:00 PM
The Easter Egg Hunt - Cates

8/9/1999  1:00 PM

8/9/1999  1:00 PM
The Price of Freedom - Klusmann

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